Shanghai Municipal Food and Drug Administration issued [2017] No. 236 on 17th November 2017 for the detailed work arrangement on the online food and beverage services in Shanghai. Shanghai Dongjin finds the following as the main points on this regulation.
The Market Supervision and Administration Bureau at the district level should build up a special team for the administration and supervision on the food safety as well as the online food and beverage services.
The Market Supervision and Administration Bureau at the district level should explore the new administration method towards the online food and beverage services, covering (1) how to find out the illegal activities, (2) how to get the illegal information reported, (3) how to have the credit ranking system, (4) how to publish the illegal information in time, and (5) how to make the work adjustment in time according to the change of the trend for the industry.
The following steps should be critically administrated and supervised:
(1) the recording for the online platform and website,
(2) the qualification for the online food and beverage service providers, i.e. whether the food license has been expired, whether the business is under the approved scope or whether the business address is different from that on the license,
(3) to make the relevant information public, such as the license information and the health certificate of the relevant personnel,
(4) the self-checking report of the online platform,
(5) the management on the credit of the online food and beverage service providers,
(6) the management on the delivery of the food, and
(7) the information process on the illegal activities on the online platform.
Further, the local Market Supervision and Administration Bureau should also have the random check on the high risk food, tableware as well as the cleaning situation for the surface of the delivery boxes.
Shanghai Food and Drug Administration requires the relevant institution to amend the written standard for the food safety and to include the administration on the online food and beverage services. The guidance for the punishment on the common illegal activities should be made. The practitioners for the online food and beverage service industry should pass the training and examination. The sample contract for the online food and beverage services should be applicable to the citywide.
It is also addressed that the cooperation between the online platform and the committee for the industry is also very important. It is better to set up industry standards for the credit system, delivery management and have the blacklist on the food and beverage service providers.
Food safety is essential to the daily life. With the development of the internet and smart phone technology, the online food service becomes popular. The government puts more attention on its administration. It is crucial for both online platform and the food and service providers to have a good legal control on its operation.
If you have any questions, or need our help, please send the email to me.
Mr. Mike Chang
TEL: 0086-21-68868321 / FAX: 0086-21-68868021