
Points To Be Aware Of While Providing Certificates Of Identifications And Signatures To The Documents

Friday, 28 September 2012 18:03

A very few foreign investors are aware of the requirements and what needs to be noticed when providing certificates of identifications and signatures to the documents for submissions at the Approval Authorities and Registration Authorities, foreign investors such as Shareholders and Companies. According to our long term experiences in business consultancy industry, we would like to share some basic requirements and notices with you hereinafter:

  1. All the information shown on the provided copies of identification certificates has to have clear images (including pictures and characters);
  2. All the provided copies of identification certificates have to be valid within its due time;
  3. Chinese Citizens provide the copies of Citizenship Card (“Shen Fen Zheng”);
  4. Non Citizens provide the copies of passport;
  5. Taiwan Individuals provide the copies of MTP aka Certificate of Taiwan Fellow Citizen, “Tai Bao Zheng”;
  6. Hongkong and Macau Individuals provide the copies of identification certificates or its passport;
  7. All documents must be signed by black/dark blue pens or signature pens (water pens);
  8. All provided signatures have to be fully identical with passport signature

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Mr. Mike Chang



+86.21.6886 8321


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